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Reading books


a) Types of literature (druhy literatury):

Non-fiction [nonfikšn] (odborná literatura):

art book  umělecká publikace

atlas [ætləs] atlas

Bible [baibl] bible

biography [bai’ogrəfi] životopis

encyclopaedia [in,saiklə’pi:diə]  encyklopedie

technical and scientific literature [saiən’tifik] odborná a vědecká literatura

textbook učebnice

travelogue [trævlog] cestopis


Fiction (beletrie):

adventure novel/story [əd’venčə] dobrodružný román/povídka

comics [komiks] komiks

crime novel [kraim] detektivní román

fable [feibl] bajka

fairy tale [feəri teil] pohádka

folk literature [fəuk] lidová slovesnost

historical novel / story historický román/povídka

juvenile literature [džu:vənail] dětská literatura

legend [ledžənd] legenda

novel [novl] román

novel of contemporary life [kən’temporəri] román ze současného života

pulp novel [palp] brak

romance [rəu‘mæns] milostný román

science fiction / sci-fi [sai-fai] vědeckofantastická literatura

short story povídka

spy novel [spai] špionážní román

thriller [θrilə] detektivka

western kovbojka, western



children’s rhyme [raim] dětské říkanky

collection / book of poems [kə’lekšn] básnická sbírka

poem [pəuim] báseň


·   What is the difference between non-fiction and fiction? Which books belong to non-fiction?

·   What are the main genres of the fiction?

·   What kind of literature is usually read by: 

-   children

-   teenagers

-   adults?

·   What does the term pulp novel say about the book?

·   Look at the groups of words and decide in what kind of book they probably occur:

-   knight, poltergeist, dragon, wizard;

-   saloon, gunfighter, Red Indians, horse,    


-   king, knight, castle, war;

-   space rocket, extra-terrestrial beings, time

    machine, colonization of an unknown planet;

-   Europe, rivers, mountain ranges,


-   Gothic architecture, Renaissance

    paintings, Baroque church,  

    antique furniture;

-   Fox, Crow, cheese;

-   wrecked ship, deserted island,

   Robinson, jungle;

-   bank robbery, investigation of the

    police, murderer;


b) What is in a book? (co je v knize)

author’s name [o:θəz] jméno autora

title of the book [taitl] název knihy

title page [peidž] titulní stránka

chapter [čæptə] kapitola

contents [kən’tent] obsah

introduction [intrə’dakšn] úvod

summary [saməri] resumé, stručný obsah; shrnutí

bibliography [bibli’ogrəfi] bibliografie; seznam použité literatury

reference [refərens] odkaz (na co)

illustration [ilə’streišn] ilustrace

book jacket [buk džækit] knižní obal

first published in... [pablišt] poprvé  vydána v

hardback edition [ha:dbæk i'dišn] vázaná kniha (s tuhými deskami)

paperback edition [peipəbæk] brožovaná kniha (s měkkými deskami)

epilogue [epilog] doslov*

preface [prefis] předmluva


c) Subject and setting of a book (námět, místo a doba děje):

basic subject / theme [sabdžəkt/ θi:m] hlavní téma

be interested in personal relationship zajímat se o osobní vztahy

deal with st.(dealt/dealt) [di:l/delt] pojednávat (o čem)

describe st. [dis’kraib] popisovat (co)

give a picture of... podat obraz (čeho)

setting [setiŋ] místo a doba děje

the story is set in the time of... příběh se odehrává v době …


·      Explain in English following expressions:

-    title

-    hardback

-    paperback

-    setting

-    contents

-    preface

-    epilogue

-    hero

-    chapter

-    illustration

·      What information does the title page usually offer?

·      Summary, bibliography and references are relevant parts of some type of books. Which ones? What do these parts contain?

·      Use other way for expressing the same or similar meaning:

-    the book deals with - _______________________

-    the story gives a picture of - _________________

-    the plot of the story is not very complicated ____________________


d) Composition (kompozice):

happy ending šťastný konec, happy end

loose composition [lu:s kompə’zišn] volná kompozice

open ending otevřený závěr

plot [plot] dějová zápletka

simple/ complicated plot jednoduchá/ složitá zápletka

surprising turn at the end překvapivý zvrat na konci

the climax is the scene ...[klaimæks, si:n] vrcholem je scéna…

there’s no plot nemá žádný děj


e) Character (postavy):

hero [hiərəu] hrdina

heroine [herəuin] hrdinka

idealised [ai’diəlaizd] idealizovaný

main character hlavní postava

secondary character vedlejší postava

the characters are alive postavy jsou životné

villain [vilən] padouch, zlosyn


f)   Fairy-tale world (pohádkový svět):

become invisible [in’vizibl] stát se neviditelným

bogy [bəugi] bubák

bring misfortune on sb. [mis’fo:čn] přinést neštěstí (komu)

change into an animal proměnit ve zvíře

devil [devl] ďábel

dragon [drægən] drak

dwarf [dwo:f] trpaslík

elf (pl. elves) [elf/elvz] skřítek

elves play tricks on people [triks] skřítkové provádějí lidem zlomyslné kousky

fairy [feəri] víla

ghost [gəust] duch

ghostly light strašidelné světlo

giant [džaiənt] obr

haunt a house [hont] v domě straší

haunted house strašidelný dům, dům, kde straší

have power to bewitch sb [bi’wič] mít moc začarovat (koho)

king král

magician [mə‘džišn] kouzelník, čaroděj

poltergeist [poltəgaist] duch (hřmotný)

prince [prins] princ

princess [prin’ses] princezna

queen [kwi:n] královna

sprite [sprait]  skřítek, šotek

supernatural being [sjupə’næčərl bi:iŋ] nadpřirozená bytost

the Fates [feits] sudičky

to harm people by looking at them [ha:m] škodit lidem pohledem

vanish [væniš] zmizet

water sprite [sprait] rusalka, vodní víla

(wicked) witch [wikid wič] ježibaba

wizard [wizəd] kouzelník, čaroděj

wood sprite lesní víla


g) Fairy tale characters (pohádkové postavy):

Cinderella [sində’elə] Popelka

Simple Simon [simpl saimən] Hloupý Honza

Sleeping Beauty [bju:ti] Šípková Růženka

Snow-White [snəu wait] Sněhurka


h) The form of a book has changed (forma knihy se změnila):

e-book elektronická kniha

manuscript [mænjuskript] rukopis

papyrus [pæ’paiərəs] papyrus

parchment [pa:čmənt] pergamen

printing press [printiŋ pres] tiskařský lis



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(Egyvps, 20. 6. 2023 11:02)

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Reclaiming Freedom: Cocaine Rehab Center Offers Support and Healing

(Michaelgow, 17. 6. 2023 9:51)

Welcome to Cocaine Rehab Center, where we provide a safe and nurturing environment for individuals in search of healing from cocaine addiction. Our expertly trained and compassionate staff understands the challenges and complexities of cocaine addiction and is committed to assisting you overcome this devastating cycle.

At Center for Cocaine Rehabilitation, we provide a comprehensive and customized treatment approach that addresses the physical, emotional, and social dimensions of addiction. Our research-supported therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and MI, aid you cultivate coping skills, identify triggers, and modify unhealthy behaviors. We also provide a range of alternative therapies, including yoga, meditation, and art therapy, to promote recovery and personal growth.

Throughout your journey with us, you will be surrounded by a caring community of like-minded individuals on the path to recovery. Our continuing care programs and trigger management strategies will empower you with the resources you need to sustain sobriety beyond your time at our center. If you or a loved one is battling with cocaine addiction, Center for Cocaine Rehabilitation is here to guide you towards a happier and drug-free future.


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Enhancing Nature's Palette: Exploring Two Stunning Varieties of Plant Containers

(AnthonySmutt, 15. 6. 2023 8:19)

The perfect home for your beloved plants, our Planter Pot is crafted to blend usability with artistic allure. Created with meticulous care, it is made from top-notch materials that promise longevity. This pot features a minimalist design, presenting a versatile look that can harmoniously fit with any interior or exterior decor, from classic to contemporary. It's fitted with proper drainage holes that avoid water logging, guaranteeing the healthy growth of your plants.

More than being a plant-holder, this Planter Pot is a focal point, a hint of nature-infused elegance that can revamp your space in an instant. The smooth contour and soft touch give it a sophisticated look, while its ample size provides ample room for your plants to thrive. Its natural hue adds a natural effect, allowing the vibrant colors of your plants to shine brightly. Delight in the joy of gardening in style with our Planter Pot, crafted to bring out the best in your green companions.

In addition, our Planter Pot is environmentally responsible and ethically produced, showing our pledge to safeguarding the environment. It is lightweight yet robust, making it easy to move, and tidy, but hardy enough to withstand weather changes if used outdoors. The pot is perfect for a wide range of plants, including cacti, herbs, blooms, and shrubs. Its smart design encourages a healthy ecosystem within the pot, allowing for great air circulation and promoting root health. Enhance your green space with our Planter Pot, the perfect accessory for the devoted plant lover who values both style and practicality in their horticultural endeavors.




(AndresAcace, 14. 6. 2023 14:46)

Plants have a significant role in our ecosystem, acting as primary producers at the bottom of the food chain. They are remarkably diverse, varying from tiny mosses to giant sequoias, and exist in almost every environment on Earth. Alongside their beauty, they own a diversity of crucial roles in nature, such as creating oxygen, reducing carbon dioxide, providing habitats for wildlife, and stabilizing soil to prevent erosion. Moreover, plants have a unique mode of nutrition called photosynthesis, where they utilize sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, a form of energy, and oxygen.


The classification of plants is centered around their structure and method of reproduction. Generally, they are categorized into two main groups, vascular and nonvascular. Vascular plants, like trees, flowers, and ferns, have specialized tissues for transporting water, nutrients, and photosynthetic products. Nonvascular plants, like mosses and liverworts, lack these transport systems and count on diffusion and osmosis. Among vascular plants, further divisions include seedless plants, gymnosperms (seed-producing plants with naked seeds), and angiosperms (flowering plants with enclosed seeds). Angiosperms, in particular, are the most diverse group, with hundreds of thousands of species identified to science.

Plants have evolved a variety of adaptations to survive in various environments. For instance, desert plants, like cacti, have evolved thick, waxy skins to reduce water loss and needle-like leaves to minimize surface area exposed to the sun. In contrast, plants in water-scarce environments often have deep root systems to tap into underground water sources. Certain plants, known as carnivorous plants, have even adapted to nutrient-poor environments by forming mechanisms to trap and digest insects. Comprehending the vast diversity and adaptations of plants not only offers insights into the operations of our natural world but also provides valuable knowledge for innovations in agriculture, medicine, and environmental conservation.

Get Cash for Your Colorado Home Quickly: Top Tips for a Fast Transaction

(ScottDuege, 14. 6. 2023 6:15)

Hey guys,

I'm trying to sell my house fast in Colorado and I was wondering if anyone had any tips or suggestions on how to do it quickly and efficiently? I've already tried listing it on some popular real estate websites, but I haven't had much luck yet.

I've heard that staging my home can help it sell faster, but I'm not sure if it's worth the investment.

If anyone has any experience with selling a house fast in Colorado, I would love to hear your story.

Thanks in advance!


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Understanding the Hold of Cocaine Addiction: A Journey Towards Recovery

(Robertsap, 8. 6. 2023 16:00)

In the veiled underbelly of society, a formidable opponent stealthily awaits, captivating lives with its seductive charm and deceptive grasp. Cocaine addiction, a harrowing affliction that knows no boundaries, penetrates the lives of countless individuals, leaving a wake of destruction in its aftermath.

The aim of this exploration is to illuminate the grave truth of cocaine addiction, unraveling the intricate nature of the beast that so often stays veiled behind closed doors. We will delve into the gripping tales of those who have fallen to its clutches and analyze the complex factors that contribute to its insidious rise in the modern world.

From its inception as a curative breakthrough to its metamorphosis into a pervasive illicit substance, cocaine has woven its way through the tapestry of human existence, fascinating minds and altering perceptions. We will navigate the chronological path of cocaine, tracing its path from a respected therapeutic agent to an agent of destruction, while also investigating the societal and cultural influences that have contributed to its enduring allure.

But beyond the context of the past, this probing seeks to bring to the fore the intensely private struggles faced by individuals grappling with cocaine addiction. We will hear firsthand accounts from survivors...


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(Jamescreta, 8. 6. 2023 15:54)

Functions as an antioxidant: Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant that counteracts oxidative stress in our bodies - <a href="https://medium.com/@healthjoe5/normotim-understanding-lithium-ascorbate-and-its-significance-to-human-health-d8bc3a252a80">normotim lithium ascorbate </a> - shielding cells from harm caused by destructive molecules known as free radicals.

Enhancing the Beauty of Nature: Exploring Dual Stunning Varieties of Plant Containers

(StevenPleaf, 6. 6. 2023 17:59)

In conclusion, pots made of plastic are a dependable and functional choice for both interior and exterior gardening. Their durability ensures they can withstand different weather conditions and maintain longevity, providing a stable and secure home for your plants. With outstanding water flow characteristics, pots made of plastic avert waterlogged soil and promote optimal root growth. Their lightweight nature makes them easy to handle and transport, allowing for versatility in rearranging your garden or bringing plants indoors.
Furthermore, plastic pots offer a diverse selection of options in terms of sizes, forms, and shades, enabling you to find the perfect pots to match your preferences and complement your decorative style. Whether you favor classic round pots, modern square containers, or suspended plant holders, there is a pot made of plastic available to suit your needs. Additionally, plastic pots can be easily customized or decorated, providing an opportunity to add a personal touch to your garden.
Affordability is another advantage of plastic pots, making them within reach of a wide range of gardening enthusiasts. Compared to other materials such as ceramic or terracotta, pots made of plastic offer a cost-effective solution without compromising on quality or functionality. This makes them an exemplary choice for those starting out in gardening or looking to grow their plant collection.
Overall, pots made of plastic combine durability, excellent drainage, adaptability, and cost-effectiveness, making them a practical and well-liked option for plant enthusiasts. Consider incorporating pots made of plastic into your gardening routine to offer a secure and vibrant home for your cherished plants, whether indoors or outdoors. With their many advantages, plastic pots are sure to improve your gardening experience and help your plants flourish.



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