1. STAGES OF EDUCATION, types of schools, branches of study:
a) Stages of education:
pre-school education [prisku:l edju’keišn] předškolní vzdělání/ výchova primary education [praiməri] základní vzdělání |
secondary education [sekəndri] středoškolské (CR) tertiary [tə:šəri] /(UK.) further, higher [fə:ðə, haiə] vysokoškolské |
b) Types of schools (pre-school, primary, secondary):
boarding school [bo:diŋ] internátní škola church school [čə:č] církevní škola crèche [kræš] jesle elementary / primary school [eli’mentəri, praiməri] základní škola elementary school of arts základní umělecká škola, ZUŠ grammar school [græmə] gymnázium independent school [indi’pendənt] nezávislá/ soukromá škola (v Anglii nedostává státní peníze) nursery [nə:səri] školka |
private [praivət] soukromý public school (UK) [pablik] v Anglii prestižní soukromá škola (viz text) state school [steit] státní škola technical school [teknikl] průmyslová škola trade school [treid] odborná škola vocational school [vəu’keišənl] odborná škola co-educational [kəuedju’keišənl] koedukační, smíšený* single-sex school [siŋgl seks] nekoedukační – pouze pro chlapce/ dívky |
c) Tertiary:
college [kolidž] vysoká škola, fakulta department (e.g. English Department, Department of Czech Language and Literature) [di’pa:tmənt] katedra faculty [fæklti] fakulta |
hall of residence [rezidens] kolej students’ canteen [kən’ti:n] menza university [ju:ni’və:ziti] univerzita |
Tertiary education in divided into 2 stages - study for a Bachelor’s Degree (3 years) and study for a Master’s Degree (4-5 years), Doctor’s Degree
· Which facility is intended for: - small children - pupils at the age from 6 – 15 - students older than 18 years - pupils aged 15 – 18? · Give a brief explanation of these terms: - state school - private school - independent school - boarding school - church school |
· Which schools provide education necessary for university/ college admission? · Which schools or institutions prepare their pupils for a practical job in industry or services? · What is the difference between co-educational schools – single-sex schools? · What is an ordinary meaning of “public”? What type of schools do public schools in Great Britain represent? · What institutions represent the tertiary education? What degrees are students awarded after finishing the tertiary education? · What do the terms faculty and department mean? |
Institutions offering tertiary education (in Czech Republic): *
Two-year training courses for managers, specialised nurses, social workers, language experts, businessmen etc.;
University consists of several faculties/colleges, e.g. Faculty of Arts (= Philosophical Faculty), Teachers' Training College (= College of Education), Medical Faculty, College of Dentistry, College of Pharmacy, Faculty of Journalism, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Theological Faculty [θiə'lodžikl], Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Faculty of Economy and Management, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Information Science, College of Management and Information Technology, etc.
Technical University (technical university in Prague is called Polytechnic Institute in Prague) consists of several colleges / faculties / schools specialised in various branches of industry, e.g. School of Architecture, College of Civil Engineering, College of Electrical Engineering and Information Science, College of Mechanical Engineering, College of Chemistry, College of Chemical Technology, College of Environmental Protection Technology, College of Mining Engineering, College of Metallurgy [mə 'tælədži], College of Textile Technology, etc.
University of Agriculture: College of Agronomics, College of Forestry, Institute of Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture, College of Horticulture [ho:tikalčə];
University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy: College of Pharmacy, College of Veterinary Medicine;
School of Economics (in Prague) consists of several colleges offering various branches of study (finance, statistics, information science, trade, economy, etc.);
Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts: Faculty of Drama, Faculty of Film and Television Art, Faculty of Music;
Academy of Arts, School of Applied Arts
Military Staff College, Police Staff College
d) Various branches of study:*
agricultural engineering [əgri’kalčərl] zemědělské inženýrství archaeology [a:ki'olədži] archeologie architecture [a:kitekčə] architektura art [a:t] umění art history historie umění civil engineering [sivəl endži‘niəriŋ] stavební inženýrství computer science [kəm’pju:tə] informatika dentistry [dentistri] zubní lékařství drama [dra:mə] dramatické umění ecology [i'kolədži] ekologie economics [ikə'nomiks] ekonomika |
electrical engineering [i’lektrikl] elektroinženýrství folklore studies [fəuklo:] folkloristika foreign languages [forin læŋgwidžiz] cizí jazyky foreign trade [forin treid] zahraniční obchod history [histəri] historie humanities (= Arts) [hju:’mænətiz] humanitní vědy journalism [džə:nəlizm] žurnalistika law [lo:] právo mechanical engineering [mə’kænikl] strojní inženýrství medicine [medsən] lékařství mining engineering [mainiŋ] důlní inženýrství |
music [mju:zik] hudba pedagogy [pedəgodži] pedagogika pharmacy [fa:məsi] farmacie philosophy [fi’lozofi] filozofie psychology [sai'kolədži] psychologie sciences [saiənsiz] vědy, přírodní vědy social sciences [səušl] společenské vědy sociology [səusi'olədži] sociologie theology [θi'olədži] teologie veterinary medicine [vetərinəri] veterinární lékařství |
· What type of university/ college have you decided to study at? · Which branch of study will you probably choose at university/ college? |
· Which branch of study won’t you probably choose at all? Give your reasons. |
e) Secondary school qualifications and tertiary education degrees:
Secondary: (in UK) O-level: General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) [sə'tifəkət] vysvědčení o složení základní zkoušky po ukončení povinné školní docházky (ve věku 16 let) A-level: General Certificate of Education Advanced level (GCE A-level) [əd'va:nst] maturitní vysvědčení o složení zkoušky vyšší úrovně (ve věku 18 let) Advanced Supplementary *(AS) [saplə'mentəri] vysvědčení o složení následné rozšiřující zkoušky (jen do roku 2000, nyní nahrazeno méně náročnou zkouškou Advanced Subsidiary)* (in CR) School-leaving examination School-leaving Certificate; |
University degrees: (UK) Bachelor's degrees [bæčələ]: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) bakalář společenských věd Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) bakalář přírodních věd Master's degrees: Master of Arts (M.A.) magistr společenských. věd Master of Science (M.Sc.) magistr přírodních věd Doctor's degree: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) doktor filozofie Doctor of Science (Sc.D.) doktor přírodních věd (CR) University degrees: bachelor's, master's, doctor's degrees (see above) |
a) Nursery school:
toys [toi]: hračky toy-animal zvířátka teddy-bear [tedi beə] medvídek soft toy [soft] plyšová hračka toy-car autíčko Lego [le:gəu] (a set consisting of small plastic pieces) stavebnice Lego brick-box [briks](a box containing cubes for playing with) stavebnice kostky bricks/blocks kostky building set konstrukční stavebnice doll [dol] panenka pram [præm] kočárek In a nursery playground: na hřišti u školky slide [slaid] skluzavka |
see-saw [si: so:] houpačka merry-go-round [meri go raund] kolotoč swing [swiŋ] houpačka (zavěšená) jungle-gym [džangl] prolézačky sand pit [sænd pit] pískoviště sand castle [sænd ka:sl] hrad z písku mud-pie [madpai] bábovička (z písku) bucket and spade [bakit, speid] kbelíček a lopatka ball [bo:l] míč skipping rope [skipiŋ rəup] švihadlo to skip a rope skákat přes švihadlo to play (at) Red Injuns [indžənz]/ hospital/ soldiers/ policemen and a thief/ mother and father hrát si na Indiány/ vojáky… |
· Which toy was your favourite one? How did you play with it? · What was your favourite game or activity as a child? |
· What things or toys are useful when children play in a sand pit? · Do you remember the equipment of the nursery which you attended? |
b) School building:
administrative office [əd’ministrətiv] kancelář assembly hall [ə’sembli] aula cabinets and show-cases in the hallway [kæbinəts, šəu-keisiz] skříně a vitríny na chodbě caretaker's flat [keəteikə] školníkův byt classroom třída, učebna cloakroom [kləukrum] šatna computer lab učebna IVT deputy head's office [depjuti]/ (US) vice principal’s office [vais prinsiplz] kancelář zástupce ředitele drink machine [mə’ši:n] nápojový automat entrance [entrəns] vchod equip [i’kwip] (equipped) vybavit fitness centre [fitnəs] posilovna gymnasium [džim’neiziəm] tělocvična hall [ho:l] hala, chodba, vestibul hallway [ho:lwei] chodba |
headmaster’s office [hedma:stəz]/ (US) principal's office ředitelna laboratory/ lab (language lab, chemistry lab) [lə’borətəri] laboratoř music/art room učebna HV/EV school canteen [kən’ti:n] školní jídelna school library [laibrəri] školní knihovna snack bar [snæk] bufet special classrooms equipped for teaching chemistry / biology/ physics [i’kwipt] odborná učebna vybavená pro výuku chemie… sports field [fi:ld] sportovní hřiště staff room [sta:f] sborovna stairs/ staircase [steəz/ steəkeis] schodiště teacher’s office (e.g. Maths teacher's office) kabinet toilets [toiləts] záchody workshop [wə:kšop] dílna youth centre [ju:θ] družina boiler room [boilə] kotelna* |
· Where do you leave your jacket and change your shoes? · What offices are situated on the 1st floor in our school building? · Where do you have lessons of languages, History, Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer science, PE, Arts, Music? |
· Where can you buy your snack and something to drink? · What things and decorations are along the walls in the hallway and corridors? |
c) Classroom:
(black) board [bo:d] tabule a row of desks [rəu] řada lavic an aisle between desks [ail] ulička mezi lavicemi board pen [bo:d pen] fix, marker bookcase [bukkeis] knihovna cabinet [kæbinət] skříňka camera [kæmərə] kamera CD-player [si:di: pleiə] CD přehrávač chair [čeə] židle class register [kla:s redžistə] třídní kniha cloth [kloθ] hadr computer [kəm’pju:tə] počítač fluorescent lighting [fluə'resnt] zářivkové osvětlení headset / earphones [hedset/ iəfəunz] sluchátka loudspeaker [laudspi:kə] reproduktor map [mæp] mapa mirror [mirə] zrcadlo |
notice board [nəutis] nástěnka picture obrázek portrait of the president [po:trit] portrét prezidenta record player [rekəd pleiə] magnetofon room equipped with audio-visual aids [i'kwipt, o:diəu vižuəl eidz] místnost je vybavena audio vizuálními pomůckami screen [skri:n] plátno show-case [šəukeis] vitrína sponge [spandž] houba teacher's desk katedra, stůl učitele TV set with a video(player) [vidiəu] televize s videopřehrávačem video projector [vidiəu prə'džektə] projektor wash-basin [wošbeisn] umývadlo waste-paper basket [weist] koš white and coloured chalk [čo:k] bílá a barevná křída overhead projector [əuvəhed pro’džektə] stolní zpětný projektor* tape/ cassette recorder [teip/ kə’set ri’ko:də] kazetový magnetofon |
· Look around and describe the equipment of classroom? · What are these things for? - notice board - waste-paper basket |
- loudspeaker - cabinet and bookcase - class register - screen |
- video projector - wash basin · What things are used for writing on or cleaning the board? · Which rooms are equipped with audio-visual aids and headsets? |
d) School year:
break [breik] přestávka festival [festivl] svátek form/ class [fo:m] ročník, třída |
holiday svátek, dovolená lesson/ period [lesn/piəriəd] vyučovací hodina lessons vyučování |
lessons are over je po vyučování mid-year holiday [midjə:] pololetní prázdniny term [tə:m] pololetí |
e) Special events:
parent-teacher meeting schůzky s rodiči do /take a ski course [ko:s] dělat lyžařský kurz do/take a sport course dělat sportovní kurz go on a school trip jet na školní výlet attend dancing lessons [ə’tend] chodit do tanečních |
graduation ball [grædžu’eišn] stužkovací večírek take /pass an entrance exam [pa:s entrəns ig’zæm] dělat přijímací zkoušku take a school-leaving exam [sku:l-li:viŋ] dělat maturitní zkoušku have a farewell party [feə’wel] mít maturitní večírek |
· Give a short explanation of each event in e). · Were you at a ski course with your class? · Did you attend dancing lessons? |
· What is the purpose of parent-teacher meeting? · What is the difference between a graduation ball and a farewell party? |
f) Pupil’s aids:
a pair of compasses [peə, kampəsiz] kružítko ballpoint pen [bo:lpoint] propisovačka, kuličkové pero brush [braš] štětec case/ box [keis, boks] pouzdro coloured pencil [kaləd] pastelka (water)colours (vodové) barvy |
drawing paper [dro:iŋ] kreslicí papír eraser /rubber [i'reizə/ rabə] guma exercise/ copy book cvičebnice, sešit felt-tip pen [felt tip] fix marker / boardpen [ma:rkə] fix, značkovač notebook [nəutbuk] notebook, zápisník, diář |
pad [pæd] blok, zápisník pen pero pencil tužka ruler [ru:lə] pravítko textbook učebnice fountain-pen [fauntin] plnicí pero* |
· Which of these aids do you use for writing? · What is an eraser for? · What does your case contain? · How many meanings of notebook do you know? |
· What aids do you have in your schoolbag? · When do you need a ruler / compasses? · Which of them are essential things for Arts lessons? |
g) Gymnasium:
apparatus (pl.apparatus) [æpə'reitəs] nářadí (tělocv.) apparatus work cvičení na nářadí beam [bi:m] kladina cloakroom [kləukrum] šatna do exercise on a mat/ rings cvičit na žíněnce/ kruzích… fitness centre fitness centrum, posilovna |
gymnastics [džim'næstiks] tělocvična horizontal bar [hori’zontl ba:r] hrazda mat [mæt] žíněnka parallel bars [pærələl] bradla rings [riŋz] kruhy small vaulting horse [voltiŋ] koza |
springboard [spriŋbo:d] odrazový můstek trampoline [træmpə'li:n] trampolína vault over a horse [volt] skákat přes koně vaulting horse [vo:ltiŋ] kůň wall-bars žebřiny wall ladder [lædə] žebřík (nářadí)* |
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